Examples of Pre-packed Santa Gift Bags
Bag example £5.65
Possible age ranges:
- For the under 3’s
- 3 to 5 year olds (unisex / boy / girl)
- 6 to 8 year olds (unisex / boy / girl)
- 9 years or older
Other price points and age ranges to suit.
Xmas Carrier Bag – Santa’s Signalbox (Medium 12″ x 16″ x 3″)

Block Tech Fire Station Firefighters & Station 230+ Piece Set (6+ YRS)

Elves Behaving Badly XL Elf Activity Book (48 pp and Sticker Sheet) (3+ YRS)

4-Pack of Classic Children’s Card Games (13x21x2cm) (3+ YRS)

Finding Dory Novelty Giant Eraser – carded (3 assorted.) (3+ YRS) (NEW)

Please contact Sean or Emma as early in the year as possible to discuss your requirements. Final numbers can be submitted up to the end of September.
or phone 01983 400995
You can also complete our online enquiry form