Problem – You want to organise a Christmas Grotto or Special Event for your organisation, but how do you sort out the children’s toys?
Solution – Let US help you!

Pre-Packed Santa Gifts
Our Pre-packed Santa Bags are great value for money, and they also come in our uniquely designed carrier bag.
The presents are not wrapped, and we are able to tailor the contents of the bags to your own specific requirements.
You can also ask us to make up the bags to any unit cost and to suit various ages.

Pre-Wrapped Presents
We can supply pre-wrapped presents for boys and girls suitable for different age groups.
All are delivered in boxes identified with contents enclosed, for easy storing and sorting.

Unwrapped Toys & Gifts
We have a very large selection of toys and gifts that may suit your requirements should you just wish to purchase them unwrapped.
Grotto Solutions is a service provided by Severnside Wholesalers Limited. Unit C4 Spithead Business Centre, Newport Road, Sandown, Isle of Wight. PO36 9PH. Tel: 01983 400995. Email: info@grottosolutions.co.uk